Croxley Hall Trout Syndicate Rules
- Fly-fishing only is allowed using only one rod, with a floating or intermediate line. Single hooks only. No droppers. Wet, dry fly and nymphs only. No lures, booby’s or sight-bobs. Members can fish Bridge Lake, Willow Lake, Lodge lake and Chess Pool at Croxley Hall Fisheries only unless an additional membership to fish the River Chess at Sarratt is added as an option. (Separate rules apply for river fishing)
- All members must carry current Environment Agency rod licence. Members must login using the trout members touchscreen in the Fishery Lodge before commencing fishing and when fishing is finished all fish caught should be weighed and correctly entered using the touchscreen.
- The season runs from15th March to 31st January the following year inclusive. Fishing is allowed seven days a week with no fishing on Christmas Day. Members must not arrive at the fishery before 6.30am and they should leave the fishery at dusk or 9.30pm whichever is earlier
- Season rods are not transferable or refundable.
- No dogs are allowed on the fishery.
Spectators or non-fishing persons are only allowed onto the fishery by arrangement with the fishery manager.
- Landing nets are provided for CHTS members, they are located at the rear of the fishery lodge. Members may use their own nets if preferred but they must be totally dry when they are transported onto the fishery.
- No litter, especially waste nylon, is to be discarded anywhere on the property except in the recycling bins provided in the Fishery Lodge.
- The peace, privacy and safety of the farm, its inhabitants and animals must be respected at all times along with all syndicate members and any other anglers on the estate.
- Members must not damage or bring/remove any animals, bird's eggs, plants, nests, amphibians or reptiles.
- Members visiting the syndicate waters must come with the intention to fish. Members are not allowed to use the fishery and/or the Lodge for the purpose of a meeting place without any intention to fish on that day, unless by prior arrangement and consent of the owner.
- Annual subscriptions are payable by 31st January each year. Members can pay by one or two instalments, one cheque dated 31st January and a second cheque dated 30th April. Members wishing to renew must forward cheques to the fishery on or before 31st January. Members can also pay by the full amount by bank transfer. Members not having forwarded their cheque(s) on or before 31st January will be deemed to have resigned from the Syndicate
- CH Fisheries Limited t/a Croxley Hall Fisheries, Croxley Hall Trout Syndicate and/or its employees cannot be held responsible for any accident and/or injury to anglers or their possessions, including motor vehicles however caused, whilst on the premises. It is the angler's responsibility to ensure they are protected and are aware of the dangers of fishing before entering Croxley Hall Fisheries' premises.
Health and Safety
- Health and Safety rules and expectations will be issued to members when they join.
Rules for fishing River Chess at Sarratt (Exclusive to CHTS members)
- The fly-fishing season on the River Chess is 1st May to 30th September inclusive.
- Fly-fishing only is allowed using floating lines and dry fly or nymph only (sinking lines, intermediate lines, lures and wet flies are not allowed)
- All trout caught must be returned to the water alive. No fish are to be taken
- Fishing is permitted between the notices posted at each end of the beat. Fishing is NOT allowed behind or next to the owners’ house. Members can fish from either bank where a path or walkway is provided or wade in the river if a wading stick is used for safety
- Parking is via a locked gate off the entrance road. A combination lock will be used and the code will be issued to members each season. (No parking is allowed by the owners’ property)